Katedra Technologii Środowiskowych i Bioanalityki
Katedra Technologii Środowiskowych i Bioanalityki
Medal Politechniki
Paweł K. Zarzycki, M.Pharm., Ph.D., DSc A/Professor

Paweł K. Zarzycki, M.Pharm., Ph.D., DSc A/Professor; Department Head

Professional address:
Department of Environmental Technologies and Bioanalytics
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geodetic Sciences
Koszalin University of Technology
Śniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland

Ph.: 48-94-3478671; Fax: 48-94-3427652
Mob.: 507 516 486
e-mail: pkzarz(at)wp.pl

Paweł K. ZARZYCKI has a background in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis involving chromatography, supramolecular chemistry and chemometrics. He has worked as a visiting scientist at the Department of Biopharmaceutics, Medical Center of Postgraduate Education (Bydgoszcz, Poland), Mothers and the Babies Research Centre, University of Newcastle at the John Hunter Hospital (Newcastle, NSW, Australia), Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan) and The Robinson Institute, University of Adelaide (South Australia). His research interests include development and optimization of effective extraction of biomarkers, temperature effects in liquid chromatography, thermochromic host-guest supramolecular complexes and biomedical analysis of low-molecular mass compounds from complex samples driven by simple separation protocols and multivariate data processing. His research group is working on LC techniques predominantly based on temperature-dependent inclusion chromatography (HPLC) and miniaturized thermostatic thin-layer chromatography (micro-TLC). Such protocols were applied to the sensitive and inexpensive fingerprinting of target substances, especially steroids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and fullerenes (blood, tissue, soot dust materials), endocrine disrupting compounds from biological and environmental samples (surface water ecosystems, untreated and treated sewage water, activated sludge materials) as well as pharmaceutical formulations (cyanobacterias and herbs active metabolites). Currently, he is working on measurement and characterization of antioxidant properties of food products and steroids biodegradation in surface water ecosystems and during sewage water treatment technological processes. Moreover, he is inventing new micro-chamber units and adapting micro-TLC systems for Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices (μPADs) and Micro Total Analysis Systems (μTAS) as well as application of active thermography for sensitive detection of bioanalytes on TLC plates. In addition to separation science expertise he is extensively involved in research related to hyperbaric medicine and underwater technology.