Katedra Technologii ¦rodowiskowych i Bioanalityki
Katedra Technologii ¦rodowiskowych i Bioanalityki
Medal Politechniki

The Department conducts research in the field of water and wastewater treatment as well as all aspects of bioanalytics / analysis of data from complex biological matrices, surface water ecosystems and processes.

Grants and research projects:

"Development of new chromatographic methods for quantification of selected biomarkers and endocrine disrupting compounds in natural environment"; P. K. Zarzycki (Chief Investigator), M. Baran, E. Włodarczyk, A. Kaleniecka, B. Fenert, L. Lewandowska; Koszalin University of Technology internal grant.

"Investigation of selected parameters affecting physicochemical and biological processes of water and sewage treatment"; R. Nowak (Chief Investigator), K. Piaskowski, R. ¦widerska-D±browska, M. Wojnicz, S. Maciejewski, A. Sikora-Muryń; Koszalin University of Technology internal grant.

"Studies on new microplanar analytical protocols for separation and detection of bioanalytes"; P. K. Zarzycki (Chief Investigator), A. Kaleniecka; Koszalin University of Technology internal grant.

Unsuccessful Projects and Devices:

Then everything goes wrong...

1. Sampler's tripod project

2. Zaneta project