Katedra Technologii Środowiskowych i Bioanalityki
Katedra Technologii Środowiskowych i Bioanalityki
Medal Politechniki
Aleksandra Kaleniecka, MSc

Aleksandra Kaleniecka, MSc

Professional address:
Department of Environmental Technologies and Bioanalytics
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geodetic Sciences
Koszalin University of Technology
Śniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland

Ph.: 48-94-3486767
e-mail: a.kaleniecka(at)gmail.com
Aleksandra KALENIECKA is a Ph.D. student at the Koszalin University of Technology. Her research interest concerns wastewater treatment processes, formation of supramolecular complexes (as guest molecules PAHs and steroids), metabolomic investigation of water ecosystems plants as potential micro indicator organisms as well as biodegradation of endocrine modulators in the presence of macrocyclic compounds. Her research involves analytical protocols using bioreactors, UV-Vis spectrophotometry and chromatography (HPLC, micro-TLC).