Medal Politechniki

Research goals:

Our group is focusing on any aspects of analytical chemistry and bioanalytics, particularly using separation science methods involving column and planar liquid chromatography. The latest research project that is supervised by the Department of Environmental Technologies and Bioanalytics team deals with chromatographic properties of number of color substances. We are investigating the retention properties of battery of  food dyes or pH indicators using thermostated micro-TLC technique under RP and NP conditions. It is hoped that such retention database can be usefull for future selection of an internal standard substances for simple analytical microsystems like microfluidic paper based devices. PhD students are extensively working on determination of   fullerenes in the environmental samples as well as investigating the host-guest supramolecular complexes between dyes and macrocyclic substances including native cyclodextrins and their derivatives. Currently, our group successfully obtained the research grant from Koszalin University of Technology based on the project entitled: "Application of supramolecular chemistry and nanotechnology for bioanalytics".